Researchers, PhD students, engineers and technicians take part in science outreach and science promotion actions.
The Fête de la Science is a not-to-be-missed event in autumn. LabEx teams regularly participate in this major event.
Find some photos and videos of this event, including the 360-degree film "Au coeur du Coronavirus" on the scientific mediation page of the "Architecture and Reactivity of the arN" Research Unit located at the IBMC, but also on this GMGM article or on the IBMP website.
January 2022, Dr. Yusupova presents "The mechanism behind translocation fidelity of the eukaryotic ribosome". See the article on the CNRS journal.
How does assembling a dozen small ribosomal RNA fragments encoded by its mitochondrial genome reconstitute a functional ribosome? To find out, check out the article A puzzle-like ribosome in algal mitochondria! published in December 2021 as part of the LabEx Mitocross.
In this article from October 2021, we offer you a very nice interview with an engineer from the IGBMC about the work of his late father, Mariasusai Antony, who worked on a new version of the Mendeleev table: Nouvelle édition des tableaux de Mendeleïev et des isotopes, l’œuvre d’une vie
October 2021, the INSB | Institut des sciences biologiques of the French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) highlights an article entitled Une défense antivirale inattendue dans les tissus vasculaires des plantes from the NetRNA LabEx.
September 2021, Dr Bertrant Seraphin talks about vaccination against Covid-19. Read the article on the University of Strasbourg website: Un vaccin à ADN autorisé en Inde, pourquoi, comment ?
Dr Metzger and Dr Laverny from the INRT labex present us the "Beneficial effects and limits of Vitamin D on prostatic precancerous lesions" in August 2021. More information on this article of the CNRS journal.
This article, "Vaccin à ARN messager : dix questions pour démêler le vrai du faux" from the newspaper "Dernières Nouvelles d'Alsace", published in July 2021, answers the main questions about the RNA vaccine.
Creation of the MicroOmix start-up in April 2021, the first start-up resulting from work carried out jointly by the teams of Michael RYCKELYNCK (LabEx NetRNA) and Alain WAGNER (LabEx IMS-Medalis). Video: MicroOmix, de la recherche à la Start-up. Website of the start-up..
Discover the article on "L’uridylation empêche la production de petits ARNs délétères chez Arabidopsis" which appeared on the CNRS info INSB website in March 2021.
In its series "Researchers' views on Covid-19: biology", our researchers tell us about their research on Covid-19 in January 2021. ARN et Covid-19, les mécanismes du virus passés à la loupe...