ITI IMCBio+ - Integrative Molecular & Cellular Biology - University of Strasbourg fr ITI IMCBio+ - Integrative Molecular & Cellular Biology - University of Strasbourg Thu, 13 Feb 2025 09:53:02 +0100 Thu, 13 Feb 2025 09:53:02 +0100 TYPO3 EXT:news news-16738 Wed, 12 Feb 2025 13:58:36 +0100 IMCBio Master - Integrative Biological Sciences opening in September 2025 /en/actualites/news/imcbio-master-integrative-biological-sciences-opening-in-september-2025 We are excited to announce the launch of the new Master in Integrative Biological Sciences (iBioS) developed as part of EUR IMCBio in coordination with the Faculty of Life Sciences - University of Strasbourg that will open in September 2025.
This immersive research-driven training program will train high-level international students in all areas of research developed in our ITI IMCBio+ with a strong emphasis on hands-on experience as well as innovation via internships and tutored projects. Training will be fully in English.

For more information, you can go in our website:

Actualités Focus
news-16730 Fri, 07 Feb 2025 16:29:17 +0100 First Blended Intensive Program “Microtechnologies for Quantitative Biology” /en/actualites/news/first-blended-intensive-program-microtechnologies-for-quantitative-biology Michael Ryckelynck (NetRNA LabEx, IMCBio+), Joern Pütz, Gilles Charvin, Todd Blevins (NetRNA LabEx, IMCBio+) and Guillaume Pavlovic (INRT LabEx, IMCBio+) were happy to welcome the 28 top students selected to attend their first Blended Intensive Program (BIP) “Microtechnologies for Quantitative Biology” that started this week in Strasbourg. It takes place in the framework of the Erasmus+ initiative and is a partnership between the Faculty of Life Sciences of Université de Strasbourg and IMCBio Integrative Graduate School.

news-16714 Tue, 28 Jan 2025 12:55:00 +0100 Using double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) to combat fungal plant pathogens /en/actualites/news/using-double-stranded-rna-dsrna-to-combat-fungal-plant-pathogens The application of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) for pest and disease management in plants is a rapidly evolving field, gaining traction as a promising tool in integrated and biological crop protection. While dsRNA-based strategies for controlling insect pests have shown remarkable success, their use against microbial pathogens, such as fungi, remains in its early stages of development.

In a groundbreaking study published in Communications Biology, the ERA-NET SusCrop “BioProtect” consortium, led by Manfred Heinlein at IBMP and including Karl-Heinz Kogel (holder of the 2024 Gutenberg Chair at IBMP), along with collaborators from the Universities of Helsinki (Finland) and Bielefeld University of Applied Sciences (Germany), has demonstrated effective control of Magnaporthe oryzae, a major fungal pathogen. The research shows that exogenous treatment of plants with dsRNA targeting fungal genes can activate two complementary mechanisms: sequence-specific RNA interference (RNAi) and a sequence-independent fungal stress response.


news-16691 Fri, 24 Jan 2025 10:48:25 +0100 ERC Proof of concept 2025: Thomas Baumert wins for his research on pancreatic cancer /en/actualites/news/erc-proof-of-concept-2025-thomas-baumert-wins-for-his-research-on-pancreatic-cancer Prof. Baumert has been awarded an ERC Proof of Concept grant for project PACMAN that aims to develop a novel therapeutic approach to treat pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common form of pancreatic cancer.

For the fifth time in eight years, Professor Thomas Baumert at the Institute for Translational Medicine and Liver Diseases (Unistra/Inserm) has been awarded a prestigious ERC Proof of Concept Grant by the European Union. This new ERC (PACMAN) will enable the researcher and his team to develop an innovative therapeutic approach to treat pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common form of pancreatic cancer.

news-16688 Tue, 14 Jan 2025 10:11:00 +0100 They're looking for a bacterium that eats eternal pollutants - Podcast /en/actualites/news/theyre-looking-for-a-bacterium-that-eats-eternal-pollutants-podcast In Strasbourg, a team of researchers is on the trail of bacteria capable of degrading eternal pollutants, better known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances). “This is meticulous research, at the crossroads of different disciplines such as biology, chemistry and physics. In Strasbourg, a team of researchers is on the trail of bacteria capable of degrading eternal pollutants, better known as PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkylated substances).

These substances are found in a variety of everyday products, such as food packaging, kitchen utensils and household products. Their properties make them highly persistent, so they end up in the environment. Pollution by PFAS, some of which are highly toxic, is thus affecting the general public.

Michael Ryckelynck and Stéphane Vuilleumier are professors-researchers in biochemistry and microbiology at the CNRS and the University of Strasbourg. They explain this quest for PFAS-eating bacteria." Source = Air Zen Radio

news-16716 Wed, 08 Jan 2025 13:25:00 +0100 A team from the NetRNA research cluster wins INSERM's "Impact Santé" program /en/actualites/news/a-team-from-the-netrna-research-cluster-wins-inserms-impact-sante-program As part of its Impact Santé program, Inserm announced last November the selection of its first four innovative and ambitious projects. These include EvoCure, a project involving the “Antiviral immunity in insects” team (Carine Meignin et Jean-Luc Imler, NetRNA research cluster). As part of its program Impact Santé, the Inserm announced last November the selection of its first four innovative and ambitious projects. The Impact Santé program aims to stimulate high-risk, high-impact health research, with a view to transforming medical practices and improving human health. The selected projects cover the fields of immunology, food safety, neuroscience and respiratory physiology.

These include EvoCure, a project involving the “Antiviral immunity in insects” team (Carine Meignin et Jean-Luc Imler). This project aims to discover new immune proteins by exploring the evolutionary conservation of immune mechanisms, from bacteria to animals.

Video explanation on

news-16586 Tue, 10 Dec 2024 16:38:07 +0100 Scientists search industrial pollution sites for the bacteria that will swallow eternal pollutants! /en/actualites/news/scientists-search-industrial-pollution-sites-for-the-bacteria-that-will-swallow-eternal-pollutants Highlighted in the French newspaper “Le Monde”, Michaël RYCKELYNCK's team from the “Architecture et Réactivité de l'arN” research unit, NetRNA research cluster, reveals how the bacteria that devour PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkylated: highly persistent and toxic chemical substances), could soon be discovered.

An article not to be missed! picked up by France Inter

news-16563 Tue, 03 Dec 2024 15:43:35 +0100 Pauline Jullien wins Consolidator Grants 2024 /en/actualites/news/pauline-jullien-wins-consolidator-grants-2024 Congratulations to Pauline Julien, researcher at the Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes (IBMP), NetRNA Research Cluster, winner of the ERC Consolidator 2024 !!!! Supporting the very best in exploratory research in all scientific fields, the European Research Council (ERC) funds 328 researchers in Europe through its “ERC Consolidator Grants”, rewarding European project leaders who obtained their doctorate 7 to 12 years ago.
A researcher at IBMP, Pauline Jullien’s research focuses on epigenetic mechanisms and their role during sexual reproduction and stress responses in plants. At the intersection of genetics, molecular biology and physiology, her work focuses on DNA methylation and its link with small RNAs.

news-16547 Mon, 25 Nov 2024 06:00:00 +0100 IMCBio international PhD Call 2025 now open! /en/actualites/news/imcbio-international-phd-call-2025-now-open Future doctoral students, don't wait! Sign up !!! The Integrative Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMCBio) doctoral school aims to attract talented PhD students to the University of Strasbourg to launch innovative research projects in 2025. The IMCBio doctoral school builds on the solid research developed in five internationally renowned research institutes.

Registrations are open until January 26, 2025 (deadline for creating an account: January 19, 2025) and can be made directly on the competition application:

Actualités Agenda Focus
news-16516 Mon, 18 Nov 2024 09:00:00 +0100 Symposium IMCBio 2024 /en/actualites/news/symposium-imcbio-2024 It is time to share with you the program of our 2024 edition of the IMCBio Symposium which will take place from 18th to 22th of November. This Symposium is organized by our M2 students who invited all our lecturers and will manage the sessions!
The immunology sessions are organized in partneship with the Life Sciences Faculty of Strasbourg.

Each session is dedicated to a different thematic:
– Monday morning: plants biology and virology;
– Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning: immunology; in partnership with the Life Sciences Faculty of Strasbourg;
– Wednesday morning: structural biology;
– Tuesday morning: development;
– Friday morning: development, molecular biology and genetic.
And this year we have a new session:
– Friday afternoon: pharmaceutical and industrial sectors!


Actualités Agenda
news-16495 Wed, 06 Nov 2024 11:41:36 +0100 Radi Khodr, équipe “Biologie Digitale de l’ARN” du Pr M. Ryckelynck /en/actualites/news/radi-khodr-equipe-biologie-digitale-de-larn-du-pr-m-ryckelynck Congratulations to Radi Khodr, team “Biologie Digitale de l'ARN” of Pr M. Ryckelynck, Unit “Architecture et Réactivité de l'arN”, UPR9002, CNRS !!!! Radi Khodr, member of Prof. M. Ryckelynck's “Biologie Digitale de l'ARN” team, was awarded one of the prizes in the “Mature Your Phd” Challenge organized by SATT-Conectus on Tuesday October 28.

The prize includes start-up training.

Will Radi be the leader of the next start-up to emerge from the team? To be continued!

news-16445 Fri, 18 Oct 2024 11:00:00 +0200 Seminar Pr Marc Lecuit /en/actualites/news/seminar-pr-marc-lecuit Professor Thomas Baumert and Dr Catherine Schuster would like to invite you for a special unit seminar, given by Pr Marc Lecuit, MD, PhD, on Friday, October 18, 2024, at 11:00.

The speaker will give his seminar at the Amphitheater CRBS, 1 rue Eugène Boeckel, Strasbourg with the title “How Listeria outsmarts its host”.



Actualités Agenda
news-16393 Fri, 20 Sep 2024 09:20:00 +0200 IMCBio thesis student Solène Zuttion featured in RNA Society article /en/actualites/news/solene-zuttion-etudiante-en-these-a-imcbio-mise-en-avant-dans-un-article-de-la-rna-society We've been told that one of our PhD students, Solène Zuttion has been featured in the monthly member spotlight of The RNA Society!

See the article on the RNA Society website

news-16364 Wed, 04 Sep 2024 09:00:00 +0200 A shiny back-to-school day for IMCBio! /en/actualites/news/a-shiny-back-to-school-day-for-imcbio The annual IMCBio Master Day took place on September 3, and what a sunny day it was! ☀️ Over 60 Master 1 students from our specialties associated with the Master in Life Sciences at our university's Faculty of Life Sciences were welcomed!

Read more

news-16157 Mon, 13 May 2024 09:30:00 +0200 µNET Seminars /en/actualites/news/unet-seminars We are delighted to invite you to the µNet ZOOM-seminars on May 13th and 14th, 2024.

Dear colleagues,

We are delighted to invite you to the µNet ZOOM-seminars on May 13th and 14th, 2024.

Save the date, come listen to the 19 speakers.

It will be a unique opportunity to listen to microbiologists from all over France and get your fill of great science.

See you soon!

The µNet organizing committee.

Actualités Agenda
news-16195 Mon, 06 May 2024 08:20:20 +0200 Two researchers from the IGBMC awarded a Chair of Excellence in Biology/Health by the France 2030 program. /en/actualites/news/two-researchers-from-the-igbmc-awarded-a-chair-of-excellence-in-biology-health-by-the-france-2030-program This grant provides funding for a research team over a five-year period and aims to stabilize the best researchers in their discipline and strengthen the excellence of French research. Roméo Ricci, ENDOFLAMMASOME project

NLRP3 activation in endosomes: From basic mechanisms to disease

Cells in our body are constantly exposed to environmental stressors. Cells have therefore developed an intricate system of proteins that can detect these insults. Once these proteins get activated by them, they eventually induce an inflammatory response. From an evolutionary perspective, inflammation has a beneficial role as it eliminates these stressors and facilitates the repair of tissue damage caused by them. However, if inflammation persists, it can also have detrimental effects.

Our project, supported by the 'Chaires d’excellence,' centers on investigating a specific protein known as NLRP3, capable of detecting a diverse array of seemingly unrelated environmental stressors. We recently made a discovery that these stressors share a common trait: they all disrupt the composition of a specific cellular compartment known as the endosome. In fact, NLRP3 is recruited to these “stressed” endosomes thereby initiating inflammation. The understanding of this mechanism could potentially explain low-grade inflammation observed in different human diseases including obesity-associated diabetes.

Our discovery created a new research axis in the laboratory that opened fundamentally novel scientific questions. Answering them in a more comprehensive manner constitutes a very ambitious endeavor that requires state-of-the-art experimental tools and collaborations at the international level. A project of this dimension clearly requires substantial funding on a long-term basis. The “Chaire d’excellence” will provide the necessary support that will increase our international visibility at the interface of cell biology and immunology.



Albert WEIXLBAUMER, CoTransSplice Project

Decipher the coupling between mRNA splicing and gene transcription

Albert WEIXLBAUMER is one of the laureates of the ANR Chair d’excellence program. The generous funding will support his research group for 5 years, as they tackle a fundamental question: how is the coordination between transcription and splicing achieved in humans? In gene expression, transcription yields pre-mRNA, a transient DNA copy, which subsequently undergoes splicing to excise non-coding segments, resulting in mature mRNA. The process of splicing is pivotal for human proteomic diversification, as various mature mRNAs can be produced from a single pre-mRNA. Notably, splicing occurs concomitantly with transcription and is regulated by the transcription machinery. Yet, this intricate relationship remains poorly understood and will be the focus of the funded project. Ultimately, this endeavor aims to enhance our comprehension of the interplay between transcription and splicing, elucidating how humans diversify their proteome and how dysregulation of these processes may contribute to disease.



news-16184 Wed, 24 Apr 2024 15:22:28 +0200 The research cluster MitoCross Junior Chair program /en/actualites/news/the-research-cluster-mitocross-junior-chair-program The MitoCross research cluster wishes to welcome one junior chair in Strasbourg. The chair will be based at the Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP, UPR 2357). The research cluster MitoCross is a consortium of 7 Strasbourg teams working on various aspects of the functioning and dysfunction of mitochondria, using several fungal, plant and animal models. These studies apply a wide spectrum of techniques including structural biology, biochemistry, cell biology, genetics and genomics. Created in 2012, MitoCross has since 2021 become an integral part of the Interdisciplinary Institute IMCBio+ and its University Graduate School (EUR) in integrative molecular and cellular biology of the University of Strasbourg.

This call for applications is open to young researchers, from any field of research relating to plant mitochondria or chloroplasts, and having the capacity to lead a research team at the highest scientific level. Proposals relating to the scientific priorities of the MitoCross consortium will be preferentially considered, as well as those from candidates bringing new skills and/or developing new photosynthetic organisms' models.

Researchers applying for permanent positions (CNRS / researcher or lecturer-researcher at the University of Strasbourg) during the recruitment campaigns of 2024 are eligible for this funding program. Applicants are also invited to submit funding requests to other national and international calls (ERC, ANR JCJC, ATIP-Avenir, CPJ etc.), compatible and cumulative with these research chairs.

  • Duration

These chairs are funded for a period of up to four years, with possible extension within the limit of the aid allocated.

  • Funding

The aid allocated to each chair is 400 k€. The amount of funding may include the salary of the chair holder and expenses related to the installation and operation of a research team (salary of a post-doctoral fellow or of a technician, purchase of small equipment, etc.), as well as operational costs.

  • Contact

Expressions of interest including a curriculum vitae (2 pages maximum) and a brief description of the scientific program (5 pages maximum) should be sent to

Philippe Giegé: philippe.giege[at]

et à

Ivan Tarassov: i.tarassov[at]

Before October 30, 2024

news-16149 Thu, 18 Apr 2024 09:00:00 +0200 What is ITI IMCBio+? Special session on biology with ITI IMCBio+ for ITI IRMIA++. /en/actualites/news/what-is-iti-imcbio-special-session-on-biology-with-iti-imcbio-for-iti-irmia The Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute IRMIA++ proposes a special session on biology, inviting ITI IMCBio+. Seminar titles

"What is the ITI IMCBio+" (Ivan Tarassov)

"Species-wide quantitative transcriptomes and proteomes reveal distinct genetic control of gene expression variation in yeast" (Joseph Schacherer)

"Modeling Gene Regulation Using Biophysics-Informed Deep Learning on Single-Cell Multi-Omics Data" (Nacho Molina)



Actualités Agenda
news-16140 Mon, 08 Apr 2024 14:21:44 +0200 The RNA helicase DDX5, a new regulatory protein of Sindbis virus infection /en/actualites/news/the-rna-helicase-ddx5-a-new-regulatory-protein-of-sindbis-virus-infection RNA helicases emerge as key factors regulating host-virus interactions. In this study published in “Virology Journal”, scientists have demonstrated the role of the DDX5 helicase in the replication cycle of the Sindbis virus (SINV). They were able to show that this nuclear protein is capable of relocating to the cytoplasm during SINV virus infection and directly interacting with the viral capsid, conferring a pro-viral action. RNA helicases are emerging as key regulators of viral infections. They are essential enzymes for the unfolding of RNA structures and play a crucial role in many cellular processes involving RNA, as well as in regulating various stages of viral cycles.

In this study, researchers investigated the impact of the human RNA helicase DDX5 on SINV infection, a model virus for studying other mosquito-transmitted emerging pathogens such as the Chikungunya virus. Using imaging and RNA immunoprecipitation approaches, they highlighted for the first time that DDX5 has the peculiarity of relocating from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of cells during infection by interacting with viral RNA. Furthermore, the analysis of DDX5 interactome by mass spectrometry in SINV-infected human cells identified new cellular and viral partners. The researchers identified a direct interaction between DDX5, its known cofactor DDX17, and the viral capsid. Scientists were able to demonstrate that the absence of DDX5 and its cofactor DDX17 in the cell reduces SINV infection. Conversely, overexpression of DDX5 has a positive impact on the virus, underscoring the central role played by DDX5 in host-virus interaction during the infectious cycle of SINV.

These results not only highlight that DDX5 is a novel host factor hijacked by SINV but also broaden our understanding of the roles played by DDX5 and DDX17 as regulators of viral infections. As the inhibition of both DDX5 and DDX17 reduces virus levels, further investigations are needed to better characterize these factors as potential targets for future antiviral therapies.

Messmer, M., Pierson, L., Pasquier, C. et al. DEAD box RNA helicase 5 is a new pro-viral host factor for Sindbis virus infection. Virol J. 21, 76 (2024).

news-16050 Thu, 04 Apr 2024 08:30:00 +0200 Special scientific and technical half-day SPATIAL BIOLOGY, TRANSCRIPTOMICS, SINGLE CELL /en/actualites/news/special-scientific-and-technical-half-day-spatial-biology-transcriptomics-single-cell Special Space Biology Labcluster half-day co-organized at IBMP in partnership with IBMC and IGBMC! INVITATION


Scientific and technical half-day


Thursday, April 4, 2024 - 8:30am-12:30pm

Institute of Plant Molecular Biology (IBMP)
12 Rue du Général-Zimmer
67000 Strasbourg, France




8h30 | Coffee and Pastries Welcome participants (salle Marie Curie)

9h00 - 9h25  | Jackson Peter, postdoc (IBMP) | Poly(A) tail length and nucleotide additions at the 3'-extremity of mRNAs detected using nanopore sequencing

9h25-9H50 | RARECYTE |Unlocking Spatial Biology with Orion™

9h50-10H15 |10X GENOMICS |Mind blowing science enabled by industry-leading single cell & spatial technologies

9h25-9H50 | STANDARD BIOTOOLS |High-plex whole slide spatial biology assays powered by the Hyperion XTi

|   Coffee Break

10h55-11h20 |  Guillaume Davidson, postdoc (IGBMC) | Mesenchymal-like Tumor Cells and Myofibroblastic Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts Are Associated with Progression and Immunotherapy Response of Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma

11h20-11h45  | NANOSTRING | Multi-Omic Spatial Profiling to Unravel Complex Biology

11h45-12h10  | LEVITAS BIO | Overcoming Sample Quality Challenges for Single Cell Analysis

12h10-12h35  | Sébastien Pfeffer, CNRS directeur de recherche, Directeur Adjoint "Architecture et Réactivité de l'ARN" (IBMC) | Noncanonical contribution of human Dicer helicase in antiviral innate immune response


12h45 - 14h00 / LUNCH offert aux participants à la matinée



Free participation upon registration.
Please note: places are limited, so register today.

Information and registration:


Actualités Agenda
news-16561 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 15:35:00 +0200 Jean-Luc Imler wins ERC Advanced Grants 2023 /en/actualites/news/jean-luc-imler-wins-erc-advanced-grants-2023 Congratulations to Jean-Luc Imler, Director of M3I, NetRNA Research Cluster, winner of ERC Advanced Grants 2023!!!!
Jean-Luc Imler has just won prestigious European funding from the European Research Council for his project. Of the 255 winners of these ERC Advanced Grants 2023, he is one of 37 researchers based in a French institution. He has won 2.396 million euros.

news-16125 Wed, 03 Apr 2024 11:10:49 +0200 An unexpected role for the Dicer protein in the antiviral response in humans: the popularisation video! /en/actualites/news/an-unexpected-role-for-the-dicer-protein-in-the-antiviral-response-in-humans-the-popularisation-video A popular video produced by Lucie Robin, a student at the BUT "Métiers du Multimédia et de l'Internet" (Multimedia and Internet Professions) course, this video takes up this complex subject in a simple way. At the end of January 2024, a scientific mediation article concerning a publication by Sébastien Peffer's group, the "Architecture and Reactivity of arN" research unit, IBMC, Strasbourg,  was published on the CNRS Biology website:

Aujourd’hui, nous vous proposons une vidéo de vulgarisation.

news-16065 Mon, 18 Mar 2024 09:00:00 +0100 Register for the IMCBio 2024 summer school! /en/actualites/news/register-for-the-imcbio-2024-summer-school You are a second year bachelor student? You want to pursue a Master’s degree in Life Sciences? You want to discover an enthusiastic scientific environment in the heart of the Alsatian capital? So join the Summer School of the Integrative Molecular and Cellular Biology Graduate School of the University of Strasbourg!

The second edition of the IMCBio Summer School will take place between June 25 and June 28 in Strasbourg*!

  • Experience Sci-fun
  • Meet biology experts
  • Visit top research facilities
  • Assist to scientific lectures
  • Participate to social events
  • Discover the Alsatian charm
  • And have the opportunity of getting 1-month financially supported internship!**

You can apply here until May 17, places are limited so don’t miss your chance!

*Travel fees & accommodation provided; in-city transport, food & internship fellowships, all available after application review

**Within the limits of available fellowships

Actualités Agenda
news-16013 Fri, 23 Feb 2024 10:33:31 +0100 Junior chair position - BIOLOGY OF HOST-PATHOGEN INTERACTIONS BEYOND VERTEBRATES /en/actualites/news/junior-chair-position-biology-of-host-pathogen-interactions-beyond-vertebrates The CNRS research department “Insects Models of Innate Immunity” invites applications for a group leader position. Junior chair position


CNRS Strasbourg (France)


The CNRS research department “Insects Models of Innate Immunity” invites applications for a group leader position. Applicants must have a strong record of scientific accomplishments in innate immunity or host-pathogen interactions, preferentially in non-mammalian models. We are looking for candidates who will bring new lines of research to the department (evolution, regulation of gene expression, metabolism, bioinformatics, etc…) and willing to work collaboratively with existing groups in the NetRNA LabEx network (

The department “Insects Models of Innate Immunity” performs cutting edge basic research on insect-pathogen interactions, focusing on the fruit-fly Drosophila as well as vector mosquitoes Anopheles and Aedes ( It is located in the Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology (IBMC) on the central campus of the University of Strasbourg, France. IBMC offers an excellent research environment, with state-of-the-art facilities and infrastructure for proteomics, genomics, cell imaging and an insectarium dedicated to studies in infectiology with BSL3 containment. Our department participates in the NetRNA consortium, which offers an attractive start-up package that includes salary and research support for 3-5 years.

Applicants should submit a curriculum vitae, a summary of research accomplishments (1-2 pages), a summary of future research plans (1-2 pages) and contact information for three professional references. Applications in the form of a single pdf document, or any question regarding the position, should be sent to bstevenin[at]


news-15868 Tue, 13 Feb 2024 14:00:00 +0100 P3N Workshop /en/actualites/news/p3n-workshop Le réseau P3N propose 2 séminaires sur la purification des protéines ! Actualités Agenda news-15844 Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:28:45 +0100 2024 IMCBio international PhD Call is now! /en/actualites/news/2024-imcbio-international-phd-call-is-now The 2024 IMCBio international PhD Call will be launched on January 8, 2024. Project submission is possible until January 8, 2024. Given external administrative constraints, a single call will take place again this year.  As in previous IMCBio PhD Calls, you have different types of project that you can submit to host a student in your team in 2024:

  • You can propose a single team project (supported by Cluster Research (/LabEx) funding). As a reminder, each Cluster Research has to organise its internal scientific priorities (eligibility, number of fellowships...) within the common Graduate School guidelines.

  • You can submit a collaboration project involving two teams from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS). Up to two doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. Important: note that this year again, to allow applicants to get a better grasp of these collaboration projects and identify a main contact, one of the host team will be presented as the main project coordinator as the second team as the collaborator. The project needs to rely on strong collaboration to warrant support by the IMCBio Graduate School.

  • You can submit a project with your own-funding (whatever the source of funding already acquired). 

And this year we propose you a new possibility

  • You can submit a team-platform collaboration project involving, a research team and a technology platform if possible from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS, note that this is not an absolute criteria). Up to three doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. These projects will have for objective the development of a new method (not incremental progress or implementation of existing processes) that have the potential to result in a methodological leap forward associated to technology transfer (in this vein a link with a private company could be a plus). Note that this action is intended primarily to support to develop new technologies and not an alternative to support existing team projects. Importantly, for these new type of projects, a validation step by the IMCBio executive committee will occur before posting of selected projects the IMCBio PhD Call web site. The PhD student supervision has to be assumed by an HDR identified as the main contact (team or platform) with the second partner identified as the collaborator.

As a reminder: each Cluster Research (/LabEx) has to organize its internal scientific priorities for LabEx funded grants following the common Graduate School guidelines. If you are interested by submitting a collaboration project (team-team or team-platform; IMCBio Graduate School funded grants), please inform first your LabEx director before sending the collaboration project to me.

For each selected project, I will need the corresponding form attached dully filled. 

Please, note that you are also welcome to advertise a project on your own funds. If you are interested, you can send me directly the attached form.


For all questions, please contact :

Gwenaëlle Graulier, PhD

As in previous IMCBio PhD Calls, you have different types of project that you can submit to host a student in your team in 2024:

  • You can propose a single team project (supported by Cluster Research (/LabEx) funding). As a reminder, each Cluster Research has to organise its internal scientific priorities (eligibility, number of fellowships...) within the common Graduate School guidelines.

  • You can submit a collaboration project involving two teams from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS). Up to two doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. Important: note that this year again, to allow applicants to get a better grasp of these collaboration projects and identify a main contact, one of the host team will be presented as the main project coordinator as the second team as the collaborator. The project needs to rely on strong collaboration to warrant support by the IMCBio Graduate School.

  • You can submit a project with your own-funding (whatever the source of funding already acquired). 

And this year we propose you a new possibility

  • You can submit a team-platform collaboration project involving, a research team and a technology platform if possible from two different IMCBio Cluster Research (INRT, NetRNA, MitoCross, HepSYS, note that this is not an absolute criteria). Up to three doctoral contracts will be supported by the IMCBio Graduate School funds in 2024. These projects will have for objective the development of a new method (not incremental progress or implementation of existing processes) that have the potential to result in a methodological leap forward associated to technology transfer (in this vein a link with a private company could be a plus). Note that this action is intended primarily to support to develop new technologies and not an alternative to support existing team projects. Importantly, for these new type of projects, a validation step by the IMCBio executive committee will occur before posting of selected projects the IMCBio PhD Call web site. The PhD student supervision has to be assumed by an HDR identified as the main contact (team or platform) with the second partner identified as the collaborator.

As a reminder: each Cluster Research (/LabEx) has to organize its internal scientific priorities for LabEx funded grants following the common Graduate School guidelines. If you are interested by submitting a collaboration project (team-team or team-platform; IMCBio Graduate School funded grants), please inform first your LabEx director before sending the collaboration project to me.

For each selected project, I will need the corresponding form attached dully filled. 

Please, note that you are also welcome to advertise a project on your own funds. If you are interested, you can send me directly the attached form.


For all questions, please contact :

Gwenaëlle Graulier, PhD

Monday, Wednesday & Thursday :
IGBMC – office 1016
1 rue Laurent Fries
67400 Illkirch-Graffenstaden
+33 (0)

Tuesday & Friday :
GMGM – 3rd floor
21 rue René Descartes
67000 Strasbourg
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news-15841 Wed, 06 Dec 2023 11:57:50 +0100 Thomas Baumert wins the INSERM 2023 prize /en/actualites/news/thomas-baumert-wins-the-inserm-2023-prize Thomas Baumert has just been awarded the INSERM 2023 prize for his work in furthering knowledge of fibrosis and liver cancer. We congratulate Thomas BAUMERT, labEx Hepsys, on winning this prize.

A short video presentation of the researcher's work

news-15833 Mon, 04 Dec 2023 08:25:27 +0100 They're talking about us at... "2022 une année avec le CNRS en Alsace" /en/actualites/news/theyre-talking-about-us-at-2022-une-annee-avec-le-cnrs-en-alsace "CoLoC-seq, pour bien localiser les ARN dans la cellule", "SFPQ, protéine détournée par le virus SINV... CQFD !" or even innovation avec FUNAMBULIST, find out more about our teams / research through various articles from "2022 une année avec le CNRS en Alsace" ! Recherche

Retrouvez p.20

CoLoC-seq, pour bien localiser les ARN dans la cellule

Au sein d’une cellule, on trouve différents composants, ou organites, individualisés par une membrane (noyau, mitochondrie, appareil de Golgi, …). Pour chaque organite, les généticiens ont besoin de déterminer la localisation précise des ARN produits à partir de l’ADN. En effet, leur localisation correcte est nécessaire à l’expression des gènes. Problème, les techniques utilisées, quand elles reposent sur l’utilisation d’enzymes de type RNases, confondent souvent les ARN de l’organite étudié, dits « résidents », des ARN produits ailleurs, dits « contaminants ». Pour les distinguer, les chercheurs proposent CoLoC-seq, nouvelle méthode qui repose sur la cinétique enzymatique et une modélisation mathématique.
Nucleic Acids Research | décembre 2022
Génétique moléculaire, génomique, microbiologie

Retrouvez p.38

SFPQ, protéine détournée par le virus SINV... CQFD !

Les virus sont des parasites obligatoires, qui dépendent de la cellule qu’ils infectent pour multiplier leur génome et se propager. Lors de la réplication, les virus à ARN produisent un ARN double brin (ARNdb), qui est perçu par la cellule comme signal de danger et va déclencher la réponse antivirale. Les virus ont mis au point diverses stratégies pour contourner cette réponse. Il est par conséquent crucial d’identifier les protéines cellulaires que le virus détourne dans ce but. Les scientifiques ont conduit leur étude sur le virus de Sindbis. Parmi les protéines reconnaissant l’ARNdb viral, ils ont pu identifier la protéine SFPQ (splicing factor, proline-glutamine rich) comme facteur pro-viral.
RNA | décembre 2022
Architecture et réactivité de l'ARN

Mais aussi en médiation

Retrouvez p.32

Finale Alsace MT180

Trois minutes pour présenter sur scène ses travaux de thèse, sans autre accessoire qu’un unique visuel ! C’est le défi lancé aux doctorant(e)s du concours Ma thèse en 180 secondes, co- organisé par le Jardin des sciences de l’Université de Strasbourg et la délégation Alsace du CNRS. Trois prix ont été décernés au cours de la 9e édition régionale. Ils ont été remportés par Anne Cousin (Institut de biologie moléculaire des plantes | IBMP), lauréate du 1er prix du jury et du prix du public, et par Alexandra Helleux (Institut de génétique et de biologie moléculaire et cellulaire | IGBMC), 2 e prix du jury.

Ou encore en innovation

Retrouvez p.35

Conseil européen de l’innovation

Lancé avec le programme Horizon Europe en 2021, l’EIC vise à accompagner les innovations de rupture, de leur émergence à leur mise sur le marché. Le dispositif « Pathfinder » s’intéresse aux projets de recherche portant sur les premiers développements d’une technologique innovante. Ce dispositif permet en outre d'obtenir des moyens pour avancer et établir une preuve de concept.
FUNAMBULIST vise une production radicalement nouvelle de produits chimiques, grâce à des processus catalytiques basés sur des acides nucléiques (ADN ou ARN) dans des solvants non conventionnels, tels que des liquides ioniques.
Institut de science et d'ingénierie supramoléculaires
Architecture et réactivité de l'ARN

news-15792 Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:13:40 +0100 Welcome to Prof Georg STOECKLIN at IMCBio+ ITI /en/actualites/news/welcome-to-prof-georg-stoecklin-at-imcbio-iti Prof Georg STOECKLIN, who has just joined the IGBMC/EIR IMCBio/ITI IMCBio+ on sabbatical. Georg Stoecklin is professor for biochemistry at Heidelberg University, Germany. He earned an MD and PhD in Biology at the University of Basel, Switzerland. Following postdoctoral training at the Brigham and Women’s Hospital / Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA, he became junior group leader at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg. Since 2016, he heads the Division of Biochemistry at the Medical Faculty Mannheim of Heidelberg University. He is also director of the Faculty Core Technology Platform and co-director of the Mannheim Institute of Innate Immunoscience. Pr Georg Stoecklin joined the IGBMC / Illkirch for a sabbatical and is hosted by Bertrand Séraphin. During his time in Strasbourg, he is Associated Chair of RNA Biology at the USIAS / University of Strasbourg. He will give a first conference "Insights into the control of mammalian mRNA splicing, translation and decay" at the IBMC on 08/12/2023 at 11am.

news-15771 Mon, 20 Nov 2023 10:21:37 +0100 The IMCBio 2023 school symposium is now open! /en/actualites/news/the-imcbio-2023-school-symposium-is-now-open High-level lectures in the fields of biology for the school's Master 2 students. 20 speakers from France, Germany, Japan, Norway, Scotland, Spain, Switzerland and USA. The subjects covered: Plant biology, Virology, Immunology, Genetics and Molecular Biology as well as Structural and Developmental Biology.

As in previous years, the Immunology Symposium with the University of Strasbourg's Faculty of Life Sciences was co-organised at the same time.

More information on the IMCBio School website


